5 Steps To A Creative Home Zone

At CReATE we see creativity as a thinking muscle in our brains, therefore all have it. Not just kids, but everyone! Establishing a creative home zone establishes a valuable space where kids and family have access to tools, materials and time to tinker and explore their ideas.

Creativity is both practical and playful. As we go through our day-to day lives, we humans tend to exercise the practical side regularly but, thats like only working our arms at the gym. Our bodies need a full body work out to thrive and that’s where the playful side of creativity comes in for our brains. Having a full brain-creative workout makes us stronger; more resourceful, sharper thinkers and better problem solvers. Self expression is an added bonus and likely the driving force behind creativity.
Think of a creative home-zone as an at-home gym for your brain.

If you are unsure just how important creativity is for your child’s long term gain, read Pennsylvania University’s exploration of the value of creativity and imagination.

Below we’ve got a simple guideline for establishing a creative space at home for your kids and family. Check out these 5 Steps to a more creative home; Space, Tools, Materials, Storage and Time.
Get the printable version here.


We all need it. Space is a place we can spread out and think when we’re working on something. As adults we make space on the kitchen counter, our office desks or at the coffee table but, kids need a space
that’s just for them.
Any extra surface area will do. Think a folding card table, old coffee table or folding banquet table. The folding table options can be put away if gathering space is needed. The table can be set up in a section of the garage, under a covered patio, formal dining room or their room. Establishing this space allows kids to be in the zone and think freely as they create without anyone worrying about mess.


Beyond the use of our best tools; our brain and hands, having a few basic tools like scissors, string and tape on hand elevate creating to the next level of possibility. Our list of tools will get you started with all you need to make creating easy for kids as well as any guest creators that may participate.


This is where recycled materials come in. They are the best part of having a creative home zone and so easy to collect. Save various things like packaging and other recycled stuff you find around the house.
Use our handy Donation List to spark ideas for what to collect. See the storage section below for where to keep the things you collect.


Time is a key component in establishing a creative space for your kids. When scheduling your days and weeks be sure to earmark time for creative exploration. Taking even 20 minutes to dabble and tinker help kids and adults get into the present moment. Think of creative time like meditation time. It centers the creator and helps them reconnect to themselves.


Where to keep all this creative stuff? Having a storage bin or two serves
as a tidy home for items/materials to have available for creating
then, put away when company comes over.
We couldn’t live without our clear material bins!

In addition to the benefits of the physical act of creating there becomes an opportunity for family connection. Creative expression can easily lead to interesting conversations. We encourage parents to showcase creations kids make at the center of the dining room table or other common area space. Displaying their work builds pride in your creators and dinner talk for whole family. Talking about the art kids make, engaging with them about their ideas and processes helps them feel seen and valued.

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