Yearly Archives: 2010

Spare Vacuum Brush

Tyler's Dino

Tyler's Dino

With a little help from Mom, Tyler created a super silly dinosaur guy. They had all kinds of fun attaching, buttons, beads, foam and packing pieces to create a magical creature from a bygone time. Oh, what imagination can do.

Tyler’s Dino



A Creamer Carton

This container, invented to hold coffee creamer , has now been reinvented to take a wild spin around the Audubon raceway!

Race Car



Painters Stir Stick

"Ashley's Door Sign"

"Ashley's Door Sign"

A painters stir stick can be very versatile, here I captures a lovely girls personal domain.

What can it capture for you?


Door Sign


Bottle Caps

Bottle caps gain a new appeal and may even become a new friend too.

Bottle Cap Snake

Maisy 13yrs

Wood Blocks

Wood blocks have long been thought of for building and un-building but the added help pf a glue gun opens up a whole new world of possibilites, let’s dance!

Record Player



A Patterned Box

What fantasy design unfolds when you put your dreams into action? Striped walls, a plush bed, groovy curtains and a colorful tiled floor make this dreamy space a pretty reality.

My dream room!


12 yrs

Oatmeal Container

Who didn’t want a horsey to ride around the living room as it unfolded onto miles of golden Prairie as far as the eye could see? This little filly is ready to take her new friend Chloe for a ride.

Chloe & Daddy



Corrugated Foam

Once upon a time there was a a piece of foam that had a job as cushioning for a fragile package. When he was free from that honorable duty he wanted to swim in bogs and bayous so he became an alligator!


Thomas (with a little help from mom)


Glass Jars

What did one glass jar say to the other glass jar?

“It’s lookin’ pretty silly around here”

Tickling our funny bones is a great way to spend the day. These jars metamorphosized from pasta and salsa jars into class clowns sure to bring out the kid in all.

Maisy & Marissa


A Styrofoam box

Meet Frank.

Frank used to be a styrofoam cooler…Enter imagination. Seeing potential in the unseen, an everyday object. Frank is the product of bringing a dream to life and perhaps even a new friendship too.


“My Friend Frank”
