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My car is my friend.

I’m having a gratitude moment about my car. It’s a 2002 Chevy Tahoe, officially an SUV, that has been with me for the better part of 20 years. She was born in Texas and raised in California.
My daughter recently named her Mary Poppins, because no matter what I try to put inside, it fits! Mary, helps me get CReATE’s stuff everywhere. This week she’s taking me to two pre-schools, a parks department, a sewing session, and a birthday party. Each event calls for different materials and tools. No problem.
If a car could be a friend she would be the truest. She’s reliable, always ready to help, and a real workhorse. No matter how much I ask her to carry she readily agrees. If it weren’t for her overall character I couldn’t really be mobile, not with easy support anyway.
This car has been through a lot of life with me. She was my right hand raising young kids, carting strollers and bikes, tolerating endless messes and spills. She was always ready to take friends to theme parks or get packed for a road trip or move. She even helped me teach my daughters to drive!
I can’t think of a better companion for life’s requests and demands. Thanks to my Tahoe, my dreams for mom-hood and being creative as a business owner have been coming true again and again.
How has your car been your friend?

Jemma W.

I get to do this!

Where has the time gone?
Back in 2008 a flash sparked across my mind that as I reflect now, was like a window to the future- I saw the studio before it was a physical place. I think it was just waiting to be.
Getting started back then I am so glad I kept taking the next indicated steps. It has been scary, hard, easy, complicated, fun and funky, sometimes all at once over these 9 years which has more to do with getting into business and less to do with following my inspiration. The journey so far has taught me a few key things that are resounding and true.
1. All children are smart.
2. Our planet needs us to be more thoughtful about what we use and how we reuse it.
3. We can do anything we put our minds to.
4. Everyone is creative.
I get to watch these truths unfold all the time. I get to be part of peoples moments and experiences and I have mine right along with them. People have said over the years, You must love your job. They are right. I do. I have grown to, deeply.
I opened the door to my garage as CReATE STUDIO on Friday, March 6th 2009 for an open-house and an open-ended studio with work tables and bins of materials. Guests had an invitation to explore and create their way. I marveled as they did. The following Tuesday, the garage door opened officially for business 3 days a week. It has been an organic process.
A lot has happened over the years as CReATE has grown and developed . Thank you so much for being a part of this creative endeavor. I din’t know this back then but I know it now, I made it just for you.

Fun and Games

This tear sheet from a vintage -ish @familyfunmag has triple appeal for us. 1.We love the suggested idea of creative family games- cut slits in cards to make your own house of cards game! 

2. This idea naturally converts to a “creating at home” idea for us! Grab an old deck of cards from around the house that is OK to alter and snip double slits around all four sides of each card  about 1/2 inch deel then, interlock cards as you wish. 

3. Surely there are decks of cards floating around school campuses and that’s where our non-profit, CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS comes in, to bring recycling habits  for reuse it in new ways  like taking old playing cards like this and making up something new for collaborative building in classrooms. A super fun learning tool that doesn’t cost a thing.

Messy = Fun

Messy Toddler Art Fun meant creating and exploring with this n’ that this morning. We even got to mess around with some interesting Styrofoam stuff which is our material spotlight this month!


In Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Big Magic, she suggests that approaching situations and experiences from a place of curiosity instead of a typical place of fear we start from. She says that curiosity is a great way to tune into your creativity. Remember, we are all creative, I say, but, we don’t all know it.
Big Magic is all about living a creative life and one of my favorite book reads. I highly recommend it. I love the idea of approaching life’s stuff from a place of curiosity. It’s such a positive twist on our human go-to emotions and makes so much sense to use. It doesn’t mean you have to be an adventurer, a hang glider per say but, it does mean that we can bring a smidge of adventure to daunting tasks that we don’t know how to begin or in my case, those long to-do lists to work on.
Life can be interesting instead of frightening. With curiousness, it’s as if we hold open the preverbal door to our creative thinking and, living a creative life.
Applying curiosity is a simple little thing to do and we can do it to exercise that thinking muscle in our brains.


I love the way the Fimo Clay shakers turned out. They became cinnamon shakers instead of the traditional salt and pepper. With those and the burlap pumpkins and fall candles the Pinspired ladies are all set for fall fun.

Happy Friday!

Come join the messy fun this morning during our Messy Toddler Art Fun class at 10am.

We’re open for drop in creating from 11-am to 6pm 

And we have a Half-Price Happy Hour from 3-5pm

Lots of ways to have fun at CReATE today. Come play!



There’s a saying in 12 step programs, “Let it begin with me”

Create to connect with you.
Connection is, as Brene Brown says, *”why we’re here”
We need connection, to connect with one another, to share ourselves, but, we need to connect with ourselves too.
Connecting with our creativity, being playful with it, listening to it as it speaks to us in tones that say, I like that, I don’t like that. That’s ourselves. This is not a critical self but a self that loves. warm breeze and a hot lattes, these likes hold clues to what we are about.
We live in a time where our focuses lean more and more to the outer world; what she’s doing, what he said, how they look, but that’s not us. Too much outward focus can leave us feeling lost and unloved.
Connecting with our creativity means we are listening to ourselves, tuning into who we are at our core. It helps instill valuable self acceptance and self appreciation. We want this for ourselves and we want it for other people too.
Today, create something that connects with you. You can start by listening to your heart, to what what sounds good. Pose the question to yourself,  what would I do if you had all the time in the world? Wold I Doodle, type, fold, cook, sing, walk or list something?
Let the ideas unfold and see where they go. Me guess is the process will bring you back to knowing yourself better, self connection and that is all part of this plan in a positive way. Creativity fosters a connection personally you.

* Brene Browns TED Talk on the Power of Vulnerability

Happy Thursday 

Drop in and create with us today 🙂
Homeschool friends enjoy our special school rate of $7 per student today and everyday.

Our regular studio fees apply to all other creators.

Let’s CReATE together.

We’re open from 11am to 6pm