You are creative.

Its a thinking muscle in Your brain…

While it may not be scientifically validated, I like analogies. I Think of creativity as a mental muscle we all have.

In my last post I mentioned creativity in play and based on necessity. Many of us don’t know we  excercise it everyday when we think about what to make for dinner or how were going to get the kids to each of their commitments at the same time. That’s the problem solving part, the necessity, the ying, but we need to exercise the yang too. The yang in our creative thinking is the playful side, the hands-on side, the get into the flow of it side. That’s what nurtures us. That’s where hobbies come into play.  So, back to my analogy, excersising creativity is excersising our thinking muscle, making it stronger and more flexible, which allows us to better apply the ying and the yang of our thinking muscle for a richer life quality.
Try today to take note of your creativity muscle and where you use it. It might just surprise you with a smile. You are creative.

*photo credit, unknown.