Happy Little Accidents

I received this gift from my friend Cindy Williams, our Girls Club Confidence building guide and am so excited to be reading through it to find many wise gems. I didn’t watch Bob’s show in all the time it was on in original runs or as reruns but I knew he was a happy painter. Bob Ross seems to be making a resurgence and I can see why.
Leafing through this book, one idea that strikes me deeply is his view on mistakes and seeing them as happy accidents.
I notice how perfection strikes, it stops us in our tracks and won’t let us push through to what could be. Bob suggests turning something we don’t like into a little tree or something new. That’s almost like a happy “on purpose” where we are lead to a better idea, a bigger possibility.
I am going to spend some time with this book by Michelle Witte. I have a feeling there will be lots more to talk about. Stay tuned…