Welcome to Club CReATE!

A subscription membership program for our community.

We are over-the-moon excited about our new Club CReATE Monthly Subscription program which launches September 1st!
With unlimited drop-in creating sessions for kids, our monthly subscription membership program is the perfect way to bring more free-style art to your child’s life all month long, month after month! That means your kids can pop-in for an hour, 2 hours, 30 minutes or whatever time your family schedule permits to have creative time to draw, paint or build their ideas and imaginings.
The benefits of creative freedom are explained in this article from pbs.org and I couldn’t have said it better myself though in short, kids need creative opportunities to develop their whole, healthy selves. An important added benefit of time spent at CReATE STUDIO is independence. That’s kids learning to do for themselves. A skill they’ll carry into adulthood.
At CReATE kids get all these benefits and you get one more. You need not worry about the mess that creativity can unleash because it all happens with us!
Starting September 1st we’ll have easy online registration for our automatic monthly subscription on our Happenings Page.
$19.95 for a single membership / $38.95 for two
We can’t wait to share more creative time with your kids.
We want to spend lots of creative time with your kids and your family.
Let’s create together!
Jemma W.