Beyond Four Walls

“Children cannot bounce off the walls if we take away the walls.-Erin Kenny
There have been some silver linings in this Pandemic, one of which is more outside time (baring sweltering days here and there). It’s been amazing to see people out and about so often; playing, walking, biking and through this new path for CReATE STUDIO, creating.
Our spirits are much bigger than the confines of our bodies and minds. We can stretch beyond our four wall experiences and into the outdoors where possibility, creativity and imagination lie.
I loved this quote about not children bouncing off the walls if we take away the walls. That was my antidote during melt down moments when my girls were younger. Now that I have some hindsight on parenting and the things that worked, getting outdoors was hands-down the best tried and true tactic. It’s magical.
I am thrilled that the studio can now tap into that magic with outdoor creating that comes to you. Get your kids outside. We’ll be waiting there with hands-on eco art fun to explore.
Contact us to book a gather session. Let’s get outdoors!