Cardboard Sheets

Talk about up cycling! Cardboard can be so much more than layers of  compressed paper…

 Once a  giant furniture box packed with a chair , the box for this creation was cut down to become many nice sheets of cardboard ready to put together in just the right way for whoever would use it.

Annie and Keylie thought it was the perfect material  for a project they planned to collaborate on. They turned a few sheets they gathered into a nice cozy home for a little cork family. Once the structure was made they worked on all the important amenities, a roaring fire, a little baby in a crib, nice big windows, a loving family dog and a pretty table and table cloth with a good book. The house was made and happy. What a nice place to spend their time, but do be quite, the baby is sleeping.

Family Home

Annie & Keylie

Ages, 7yrs