Category Archives: Kids


​Just a couple of gals hangin’ around by Sage (5)

You know how they say that on Christmas day the kids play with the box more than they play with the toy inside? There is just something special about cardboard that draws kids in. It is a sturdy blank slate that almost asks the child “how may I serve you”. Maybe it’s even like a magic carpet that transports them off to different lands.
I don’t know exactly what happens between children and cardboard. I just know it’s magic.

Urban Fairy Flair…

​Do your kids love Fairies?

We do too so we’ve added kits with “Urban Fairy Flair” to some of our Eco Craft Kit boxes.

These kits contain our core selection of recycled and crafty materials for endless tinkering fun along with a collection of Fairy making essentials like the mini clorhes pins, flower petals, mesh pieces and tin travel container you see here. Clever adventures await them!
Contact us to order yours today, $ 20 plus tax per kit, we ship too (shipping fee applies)


Little Gems…

​Look what came our way!

These little gems are true rag dolls, ready for some personality and play.
We only have few on hand but are inspired to make more and more so come in and explore your Little House On The Prarie side today.

We’re open 12-5!

Maker Camps at CReATE!

Have you heard of Makers? How about Maker Camp?

Sponspred by Make Magazine and Google these camp days are all about tinkering, building and making projects with action flair. See the attached video for the scoop behind the Maker Camp movement.

The Wells Family and CReATE STUDIO are joining forces to bring Maker Camps to Westlake Village!

Our first Maker Camp session starts today at CReATE STUDIO!

Join us at 10am for “D.I.Y. Stomp Rockets”

$20 per child  (includes time and materials) This camp is a perfect fit for boys and girls age 6-12.

Let’s Make!

Catch Phrases…

​Out of the mouths of babe’s strikes again.

We think this young poster maker has a future in advertising.


We thought it would be fun to share a few reasons to get to CReATE today.

We’re open from 11am-6pm. Come in and create or call us to book your next event.

We love spending creative time with you.

Work in progress…

This is a family collaboration. Everyone has been choosing materials to paint and press onto the paper leaving a block print appearance. The paper doilie left the prettiest impression and the hand that is just about to press is sure to be the most lively.