Category Archives: Messy Toddler

Happy Day!

​Looking back on a messy creative TGIF day meant lots of hands-on fun and smiles. Messy Toddler Art will do that every time!

Happy TGIF!

Join us for Messy Toddler Art Fun this morning at 10am for “Shredded Paper Play” and more!
$11 per toddler.

We’re open for D.I.Y. creative exploration fun from 11am to 6pm-regular studio fees apply.

We have a cool Crafternoon Class planned at 4pm with “Crayon Rocks” and more.

$15 per participant.

Looking forward to creative time with you!

Get Messy!

​We deem Fridays Messy Art Days! Come one, come all and get messy!

Happy January!

We’re excited to be underway with a month of fun!

Check out our happenings to see what’s in store all month long at 

and CReATE with us!

A Messy Morning…

​Foam dough was a hit this morning with the messy crew. Shaving cream and corn starch made a curious and satisfying combination  for endless playful exploring.

Messy Toddler Fun…

​What a lovely messy morning we had building faux gingerbread houses in winter fashion. We have landed ourselves a mountain of faux snow this season which fits our California weather scene so we are using it six ways til Sunday for sure, making all things snowy. 

It is wonderful to spend time with little ones who seem to know what’s really important-now. The world is so curious around them, it seems to becon thier attention in a whispered tone-let’s play!

Ok!is always the answer..

Happy December!

​We’re looking forward to a month of Holiday Spirit, Open-Ended creativity, Ornament Making, Messy Toddler Fun, Pinspired Nights, Birthday Celebrations, Troop visits, Field Trips, Crafternoon workshops and Community Connections.

We can’t wait to see you here.

Weekly WOW!

Anita (2) gets an A for effort as she stays in the creative zone placing shiny trimmings on her painting just so. A for action, again and again. The beauty of creativity is the process in which it unfolds.

So Messy!

Sometimes you just have to feel it. Hands on  exploring through touch gives so much information and wonder to the curious toddler. It’s how they process the big, big world.

So Messy!

When we say Messy Toddler Art Fun we mean it! 

Join us tomorrow morning for Messy Fun with our featured activity, “Cork Printing” at 10am and bring your camera to capture the messy moments.

$11 per toddler