The power to Chose

“When you pick the things you want to do, you’re more inclined to see them through”
This Mary Poppins style rhyme came to me as I noticed that when kids have the freedom to chose the creating they want to do they tend to follow-through. Bob Buford’s quote; “Don’t just dream big; follow through” marks the value of what I see when kids have a choice in what they do. Its easy to give them choices at CReATE, they find the materials that interest them and then find their way through their big ideas and inspirations make them happen because along the way they get invested, they get magic of follow through.
Giving kids opportunities to make their own choices is more than just that. It’s making a real connection to ideas becoming real, making dreams come true, all because of their inner drive to persevere. Each time they follow through on something it builds on their stick-to-itness so they have it for some of life’s bigger opportunities, quests and challenges.
Big dreams become choices to make and actions to take and to think,  it can all start with times kids can choose what they want to do.