

There’s a saying in 12 step programs, “Let it begin with me”

Create to connect with you.
Connection is, as Brene Brown says, *”why we’re here”
We need connection, to connect with one another, to share ourselves, but, we need to connect with ourselves too.
Connecting with our creativity, being playful with it, listening to it as it speaks to us in tones that say, I like that, I don’t like that. That’s ourselves. This is not a critical self but a self that loves. warm breeze and a hot lattes, these likes hold clues to what we are about.
We live in a time where our focuses lean more and more to the outer world; what she’s doing, what he said, how they look, but that’s not us. Too much outward focus can leave us feeling lost and unloved.
Connecting with our creativity means we are listening to ourselves, tuning into who we are at our core. It helps instill valuable self acceptance and self appreciation. We want this for ourselves and we want it for other people too.
Today, create something that connects with you. You can start by listening to your heart, to what what sounds good. Pose the question to yourself,  what would I do if you had all the time in the world? Wold I Doodle, type, fold, cook, sing, walk or list something?
Let the ideas unfold and see where they go. Me guess is the process will bring you back to knowing yourself better, self connection and that is all part of this plan in a positive way. Creativity fosters a connection personally you.

* Brene Browns TED Talk on the Power of Vulnerability