Creating at home idea #10

​We’ve got a quick seasonal project we love- it’s fun too! Here’s Creating At Home Idea # 10 -Batty T.P. Rolls!
Although our example is your basic bat you can make your bat any way you choose based on the materials you find at home.To get started you’ll look for:
-A TP roll
-Pattered or solid paper to cover the roll and cut into wings if you want a colored or pattered bat
or a second TP roll to make into wings.
-Contrasting paper or an item you find at home to turn into fangs-use your imagination and be
-Googly eyes, buttons or a marker to give you bat night vision.
-lastly you’ll need tape, a stapler or glue to attach you parts together.
-Now it’s time to make!
With what you have chosen for a body you can use or make tube by rolling paper, tape or staple it, then cut a shallow U shape out of the top (we flattened our roll to do this.) Fold the wing piece (you’ll want to be sure whatever material you use it’s doubly wide, fold it over, then cut around the outer edge of your paper (keep the fold) to create your wing shape.
-Attach your wings with (tape or stapler) fastener.
-Add some fangs and eyes then your officially batty!