Creativity is a verb

The more I read Spark by John J. Ratey as mentioned in a prior post, the more I understand our innate need for movement and the more I see that creativity includes movement. The act of creating is physical. It may not always include grand gestures but it does call our bodies to move.
I had once heard that when babies are very young and their arms, legs and heads make twitchy, ongoing movements during awake time that’s their bodies natural action to keep their tiny muscles from getting atrophied while they are too young to move on their own.
We are built to move and we are built to, among other things, create too. I notice that the way we create at the studio is centered around movement. As Spark had mentioned, movement makes us feel good and I know creating does too. We are not designed to sit for long stints, we are designed to move and to make!
In a world where the topic of health is a primary focus I would love to see the focus points listed and communicated by health care professionals add create to their recommendation as DIET, EXERCISE, CREATE. This is a well rounded recipe for good health in our young and old. I know in my heart that when all three are incorporated into daily living we are treating our bodies and minds the way we were made to which allows us to share the good we have inside.
Go forth and eat well, move often and create what’s in your heart.