Creativity is in the air

We’re excited to be bringing our non-profit, CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS to partnering schools this fall. That means creativity will be flowing more freely on campuses we work with and you know we LOVE opportunities to foster creativity.
Bringing our reuse program to campuses means we set them up to put recycling into action by reusing campus cast-off materials for artistic outlets in creative exploration. Saving things they were once thought of as cast-offs makes them a raw material to create with and we know how well that works at create so schools get a win/win result for their participation.
It is so exciting to see what kids create with just a few basic items like cardboard, paper and some tape. We know that exercising their creative muscles helps kids develop their thoughts and ideas through trouble shooting, problem solving and critical thinking. We found an article by Serena O’Connor , the Head of Art at Walden School in the UK brings this value home. She expresses the need creative outlets for students and that art an important component of filling that need. We couldn’t agree more. That’s why at CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS we’re on a mission to connect kids with creativity, one recycled material at a time.
Learn more about our non-profit CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS