My car is my friend.

I’m having a gratitude moment about my car. It’s a 2002 Chevy Tahoe, officially an SUV, that has been with me for the better part of 20 years. She was born in Texas and raised in California.
My daughter recently named her Mary Poppins, because no matter what I try to put inside, it fits! Mary, helps me get CReATE’s stuff everywhere. This week she’s taking me to two pre-schools, a parks department, a sewing session, and a birthday party. Each event calls for different materials and tools. No problem.
If a car could be a friend she would be the truest. She’s reliable, always ready to help, and a real workhorse. No matter how much I ask her to carry she readily agrees. If it weren’t for her overall character I couldn’t really be mobile, not with easy support anyway.
This car has been through a lot of life with me. She was my right hand raising young kids, carting strollers and bikes, tolerating endless messes and spills. She was always ready to take friends to theme parks or get packed for a road trip or move. She even helped me teach my daughters to drive!
I can’t think of a better companion for life’s requests and demands. Thanks to my Tahoe, my dreams for mom-hood and being creative as a business owner have been coming true again and again.
How has your car been your friend?
Jemma W.