Now this is creativity.

Leafing through a back issue of National Geographic Magazine, I spotted this little blurb about snow goggles, a true nod to creativity. I imagine the story goes like this…
Imagine frozen landscapes with brilliantly bright white tundras as far as the eye can see. If you don’t have snow goggles in an environment like that, you most likely won’t have your eyesight either. So, what’s a guy without snow goggles to do?
He’d have to think fast (this is where we count on creativity to help us out). Using his limited travel resources, he’d fashion goggles out of duck tape!

I talk about creativity often and this National Geographic blurb makes a great example of what I think about it. Creativity is not just for artists, creatives, and crafters. It’s part of all of us, every day. We may not be faced with icy tundra’s to conquer but we have real life to manage and creativity is the best tool we’ve got.