We’re putting the reuse in creativity

We’re putting the reuse in creativity because it just makes sense. It’s is our mission.
Reuse is to creativity what peanut butter is to jelly or crackers are to cheese. They belong together and help each other flow.
I’ve shared how reuse was common place in my family, it must have trickled down from the generations before me. I am so glad it did. It’s ultimately how we got CReATE!
In the awesomeness that reuse is there lies unexpected hidden gems that benefit humanity like presence, connection to yourself if creating alone and to others if you are creating together, to mindfulness either way. What could be better than that! It also removes the potential for comparison. As Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy”. When we are creating anything we are in our vulnerability. Vulnerability comes as we express ourselves and share who we are through what we make. When we’re all creating the same kind of thing, comparison has a tendency to sneak into our psyche, even at a young age. I saw that process throughout my kids years in school, especially with art because of it’s expressive nature. There we guard our vulnerability. Using recycled materials in it’s one-off and random nature means two creations tend not be alike and when they are I see collaboration. Self expression is comfortable here. Since we each see the world through our own lens we can look at the same kleenex box a different way that leads to very different creations. This is where I see independence being strengthened as creators find themselves trusting their own ideas and process. There is an overwhelming sense of pride when the idea that inspired the creation comes together the way it was planned. Presence, connection, healthy vulnerability, self confidence, self expression and independence make a good foundation for experience.
Creating with recycled materials is like a peanut butter and jelly experience, it goes perfectly together and it’s oh so good.