She had skill

My grandmother, affectionately known in our family as Darling was a sewer. She had skill.
She’s the reason and the inspiration for why I teach kids and adults to sew now. An art studio is not the most likely place to learn to sew but because of the way Darling taught me it was the perfect fit for sewing at CReATE. She taught me with such an open mindset that gave way to endless hours of my creative explorations at her machine each summer. I learned from her that I could sew anything I dreamed up so I did and I loved it. Because of that nurturing I have become a sewer for life. It is a skill that runs deep in me and I want to share it, hoping to pass on a lifetime shill of sewing for others.

Tomorrow begins a week of machine sewing for campers at the studio and I can’t wait to be a part of the unlocking of this skill that channels all kinds of ideas and imaginings. This week Darling, though long passed on will be in my heart and my memories as the hum of machines run and the sparking of creativity flows.