Your Life Depends on it.

I originally shared this picture from our studio wall about a year ago in an instagram post that was sparked by this drawing.
I find it just as fitting now as it was then, to share it, again and then some.
“Create fun things, your life depends on it.” -Unknown
There’s a certain amount of truth to this statement. Books I have been inspired by like The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron,  Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and Daring Greatly by Brene Brown would attest to the notion that we must create.
Our souls vitality needs this form of self expression. Our contribution to the world asks for us to be creative in solving problems and helping others. Yes, our lives depend on it. Today the world feels topsy turvy so it’s going to take our collective creativity to get things back on track. Our children will grow up and into some of the challenges we’re likely to leave behind. They’ll need creativity. This side of creativity is the necessity side, the practical side, the problem solving side so we have to exercise the fun side, the playful side, the curious side to help it grow. Love love, creativity grows when shared. So, we can create fun things like our lives depend on it. Let’s do it!