Getting Inspired

I get the biggest kick out of seeing what kids make from everyday things. What they see in a scrunched piece of paper with some tape and a popsicle stick could be the most interesting creature in the sea.
Kids often see, in these household materials, the inside of their imaginations. The physical things are placeholders for for the vastness they can dream. Check out our donations list for ideas of what you probably have on hand to reuse.
This Wednesday, April 22nd is Earth Day. Celebrate with your kids by inviting them to create with a cereal box, egg carton or plastic bottle to unlock their minds, making space for awareness of value reusing. They are natural thinkers and environmental stewards.
Everything came from the Earth somehow. Visit our CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS Materials page to get a glimpse of where materials begin and what can be found around us everyday on school campuses. Much of those materials are what we’d find at home too.
Honor Earth Day with us. Stimulate your kids imaginations with the recycling you have around you this week.
Jemma W