Let’s explore the world of Fabric.

I am a curious person by nature so my propensity to wonder where things come from is natural. I find myself thinking, Let’s explore the world of…fill in the blank.
Developing the Spotlight program here at CReATE allows me to share my curiosity findings with you. Each month I explore where the Spotlight materials we use at the studio come from. Casting a little imaginary light creates space for more inspiration and awareness about the things around us every day.
This month we focus on Fabric. Of all the genres we look at throughout the year, Fabric is the one that spans such an array of manifestations. From ribbon, to shirting, to coats to shoes to carseat covers, fabric has us covered.
As for where fabric comes from, the old category breakdown of Animal, Vegetable or Mineral seems to fit as the root sources. I found a short YouTube video from Don’t Memorise that provides a good overview on Fabric.
Stay tuned throughout the month at I explore the Fabric and it’s realm through our creative ways to reuse.
Jemma W.