Make A Paper Gift

I came across an old Kid President Pep Talk video the other day. It’s message was right on cue for the challenges we’ve been facing this year. He said something that really got me thinking, “what will you create that makes the world awesome?” I immediately though of making a gift for someone. Giving someone something hand made is special and makes the recipient feel special too. This works for grown-ups and kids. Chances are, when we do something nice like making art for someone, they will feel good and feel happy to do something for someone else. Paying it forward-that’s awesome.
Since CReATE STUDIO is spotlighting paper this month and it’s probably the most accessible material to make art with while your at home, why not use it to make art for someone. To keep it simple I offer the idea to paint or draw a picture. They make amazing gifts that come right from your heart. Creating something that makes the world awesome can start today with a a piece of paper and a small investment in doing good. Thanks to Kid President and Soul Pancake for the Pep Talk and the idea to create something that makes the world awesome.