Shining A Spotlight

This month we spotlight Ceramics of all sorts.
“Spotlighting” as we call it is our way to explore materials we receive and provide for reuse at the studio.
Through the donations we receive we get broken mugs, chipped plates and cracked bowls from time to time. I have long seen value in reusing them for artistic explorations.
After the 1994 Los Angeles Earthquake I ended up with a fair amount of broken plates and the like. Even back then I thought there must be something else to use them for so I started making mosaic pots for indoor and outdoor plants. I even started collecting scrappy dish ware from thrift stores and garage sales. I was such a fun outlet for y creativity the value of reusing broken pottery has stayed with me. It has been a material on our Donation List.
Nowadays ceramics of all sorts has become one of the materials we explore each month. Follow CReATE on instagram to see curious looks at this material and its wide range of forms that are sometimes china, sometimes, ceramic and sometimes pottery. They may all come from similar beginnings. We’ll explore how they are made, what source of the earth they come from and whether or not they can be recycled. We’ll also see who is getting creative with them near and far.
I enjoy exploring the materials we reuse and I look forward to sharing my learnings with you.
Jemma W.
Founder & Owner