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Weekly Wow!
Sometimes the simples things become the most beautiful.
What could be prettier that a rainbow, splashing color across the sky in it’s translucent grander.  Ema seems to be aware of the rainbow’s majesty. She captures it in her own artful rendition with understates bits of yarn with a few sprinkles of glitter for effect. What a sweet scene.

5 yrs

Thirty Days of Thanks # 10

Thanksgiving Characters

The Pilgrim on the shelf from yesterday’s post was so fun I couldn’t resist the idea of creating fr friends. Creating together and talking about the people that shaped our US beginning really sparks a connection to the grateful nature of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Everyone has short cardboard tubes around the house for a cool characters base, deck them out with some markers for a super simple version or add paper and fabric for fancier flair. This is the ultimate up-cycling craft, from TP roll to historical characters. Whew- Imagination is something to be grateful for.

Thirty Days of Thanks # 9

Pilgrim on the Shelf

Here’s a clever twist on Elf on the Shelf with a friendly pilgrim friend thanks to Family Fun Magazine. Made from a TP roll, then painted and covered with felt clothing you’ll have your man in no time.This character can move freely about the house from day to day in November, reminding us about history and humanity along the way for teachable fun. Need to keep this craft extra simple? You can use paper and tape or glue for all the details from facial expressions to clothing to limbs. Just wrap paper around the roll and color as desired. Fun!



Thirty Days of Thanks #8

Grateful Conversation Jar

This simple craft is a perfect addition to the dinner table. Grab a jar or vase to decorate with a little seasonal flair. then, use the paper of your choice paper cut into strips for jotting down conversation starters to get your family talkin’ about the good stuff; “Who was the best teacher you ever had and why?”,  “what is the nicest thing your brother/sister ever did for you?”
You might be surprised how much good stuff there is.

Thirty Days of Thanks #7

Thankful Reminder

How about creating a crafty reminder to keep a grateful heart throughout the year! Think of the super conversations a fun weekly reminder can bring. All you will need is some kind of surface to mount your weekly saying for starters. Use kiddie letters, magazine pages or print them! The possibilities are far and wide but the results are close to the heart.
Happy Thankful Thursday!

Thirty Days of Thanks #6

Thankful Art Journal

I was talking to a customer about art journaling the other day. Art journaling is something I have long meant to start, though it has been unattended on my “to do someday” list. Thinking about all these thankful crafts and that conversation I was inspired to start a thankful art journal! This way I can attend to two elements of life I want to put some focus on. It can only lead to good.

Try making one of your own, it doesn’t have to be fancy. Grab a blank book or spiral pad, some markers, paints or stickers, whatever you have on hand will do. See where your process takes you and how it fills you up!



Thirty Days of Thanks #5

Signature Tablecloth

As I ponder Thankful crafts and creations I am Inspired by my Cousin Robin who likes to preserve memories and is working on a sewn version of this keepsake creation herself.
For our purposes I think a Sharpie version would be a quick way to capture your Thanksgiving celebration with signatures of who attended this year.
You can keep this creation going for years to come by adding names with each passing Thanksgiving gathering. All you need is a light colored , solid (non or simple patterned) tablecloth and a selection of Sharpies or Fabric pens. You choose your color template and the details that may be added and presto! You have a family keepsake capturing all of your grateful guests. (Just be sure to iron yours for presentation- I seem to have forgotten to iron mine)

Thirty Days of Thanks #4

Boatload of Gratitude
If you have a paper grocery bag you’ve got a boat!  Your whole family can join in on creating this paper centerpiece found in the November issue of Family Fun Magazine. Click the link to use their template or, invent your own high seas vessel. Get inspired! I love that all ages can jot down a word or two on things they are grateful for and add to the cargo display. What a fun intro to the concept of appreciation, something we can always use in abundance.


Material of the Week 11/4-11/10

Miss-Printed Cards
House of cards, birthday cards, playing cards, and that’s just a few possibilities with these versatile paper pieces…


Weekly Wow!
Family creating is the best! At yesterday’s birthday party the “Ice Breaker” craft was sock buddies. As the Buck family explored their sock creation options the youngest Buck asked his dad to help him make an angry bird character, and so their fun began. Mom and brother were game to help. Three socks, a few plastic lids and a bunch of fluff later they had a trio of colorful angry bird characters.  A great time was had by all.

Angry Bird Trio
The Buck Family
All ages