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Fashion for good.

Fashion Show Participants wanted!
Be a Fashion Star in the 2nd Annual Recycled Fashion Show on Saturday, April 7th where you make an outfit from recycled materials and clothes! This is a great event for the whole family! All ages welcome to participate.

CReATE STUDIO and Glamour Party Girls join forces again to host this Eco Fashion Show to whole heartedly benefit Casa Pacifica Centers For Children and Families.
Contact @glamourpartygirls or for details.

Blank Canvas

On my soap box (bottle)…
I love Trader Joe’s Markets for so many reasons.
This reason stands out today. As I finished one bottle of dishwasher liquid and prepared to use the next, I was happily surprised that I could peel away the label to reveal a blank space- what I always see as a blank canvas (a plain container or box with no images or words).
It goes deeper than that though. It was because of the things the bottle was not- I could peel away the label to reuse the soap bottle as something entirely new because the label was a sticker to peel and not a permanent label, heavily shrink wrapped or gooped with heavy adhesive. It was not packaging that has a more negative impact on our planet in the manufacturing that go into the containers for the things we buy.
In fact, I appreciate that many of the Trader Joes goods I buy are reuse friendly, either with their easy label removal or have the funnest graphics that just invite inspiration for reuse in lots of ways like gift tag making or collaging. In fact, I notice that a lot of their dry goods boxes don’t have waxy coatings which are recycling taboo as I understand it.
This all matters to me because we live in a high consumer shopping era with lots of packaging that has a short life planned, the temporarily purpose of getting the contents from A to B with no agenda after that transport so I really appreciate these TJ packaging factors.
At CReATE in my deepening care of the impact we have on our planet, I hope that after spending time with us, creators start to look at post consumer packaging (like that which we have on hand for creative reuse) in new ways that spark ideas and inspirations they can carry into the bigger world around them, around all of us more thoughtfully and, with a higher regard for the value of what we already have. As one of my favorite quotes says, “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they make the best with everything they have.”
I have a super sleek looking dishwasher detergent bottle that can be anything I imagine and that is just the coolest thing!

The power of skill.

Our March “Machine Sewing Two” class starts this Thursday for two project sewing sessions! Kids age 7and up with some sewing skill can sew their big ideas and inspirations 3/1 and 3/6 from 3:15-6pm $55 per sewer.
Skill building is empowering and inspiring for kids. The sky’s the limit on their ideas when they know how to use a sewing machine to make anything from all kinds fabrics with all kinds of textures.
Let’s sew! Contact us

Spotlighting Yarn

Our spotlight on Yarn continues this month with this cool kid made wall hanging.
It’s a two material creation with just yarn and a branch.
What a statement piece!

Bubbles Galore

Shaving cream was on todays messy toddler menu for super bubbly fun.


The things kids come up with…
Emma got inspired by theses mini magnifying glasses to make the ultimate bug observation station.
So clever.

Inner Strong

Loved our Block Print Bag project for this weeks Girls Club Class to connect with the topic theme-Love.
The girls had a great time decorating the bags their way and Cindy Williams who teaches the class and I had a blast seeing how their new printing skills and personalities tied their bag looks together. In addition to block printing the girls could use markers and gems to bedazzle their bags. What showed up around the table was a refection of what they have been learning through the girls club series over all. This bag by Cate was a fitting example of what I mean- keep in mind that the girls were told that they had only one bag each to work with so if they made a mistake, something they didn’t like, it was up to them to make it work which is a tall order but a good habit to practice.
After class I got to really look at the bags left behind to dry. When I read Cate’s bag I thought, she gets it! The lessons and conversations during Girls Club stay with her and they showed up on her bag. The first tell tale sign was that she turned a mistake into a colorful doodle over the heart and a blob of paint into a bedazzled smiley face giving them both purpose and value. Wow, she applied the important message to work through her mistakes. She turned them around and made the whole look of the bag fun because of it! That is one of the big lessons I see unfold in Girls Club classes that Cindy teaches. Then she wrote words that powerfully affirm her, “I AM ME“! This is another valuable learning in Girls Club that I see, own who you are, be you! She also validated others, “BE YOU” and “LOVE WHO YOU ARE” and YOUR YOU. Another important part of Girls Club teaching is being a friend to others. The girls in our 1pm class are 7 to 9 years old. They are getting these valuable life skills NOW and they can grow up with them. I just love that! I wish I had Girls Club for my girls when they were younger! I wish I had Girls Club when I was a girl! I had lots of friends but I took whatever came my way, I didn’t know I could choose people, paths or a view of myself. I am developing those things now, as an adult. The bag’s wowness may not look like much to the naked eye but to me, a grown up Girls Club girl with a young me tucked away says, Yes! That’s the stuff we need to feel the power we have within us to be all that we can be. Thank you Cindy! The world needs you!

Yummy fun!

Now that’s our kind of cake! Donuts all the way!


Messiness is about physically getting into whatever lays before you. Today was about shredded paper with paint, water, glue and curiosity. Owen got a shredded paper heart out of it too.


Feeling the love during our Girls Club @ CReATE class for Valentine’s Day.
Painted heart love.