Quotes like this one about creativity, art and self expression don the walls of CReATE’ s paper tree branches. They serve as subtle reminders that we need to tune in to ourselves, to explore our ideas and inspirations, to be one with our gifts as often as we can.

It’s Wild!
Friday, May 5, 2017Shh, if we are quite we can watch these red foxes in their natural habitat.
It’s school project season and there are wild animals everywhere at CReATE!
Amazing things happen when resourcefulness is encouraged by using what’s available. I love the little clay foxes but I love the magnolia flowerbud trees even more. That’s resourceful!
Happy Thursday
Thursday, May 4, 2017We’re excited to have Ms. Bonnie’s class from Horizon Hills visit for a field trip today!
If your a homeschool family Thursdays are a great day to visit CReATE! Homeschoolers enjoy our educational rate of $7.00 per student on Thursdays and every studio day!
We have our Machine Sewing Two- Project Seeing at 3:15 today and look forward to seeing what the kids make. Stay tuned for more on that!
Woo Hoo what a great day!
Creativity is…
Monday, May 1, 2017Creativity is it’s own reward.
-Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way
I commonly hear from adults who come to the studio confess that they are not creative. I don’t agree. In fact, I would go so far as to dispute their notion. We are all creative! I hope that as we talk they start to see within themselves that creativity is alive and well and wants to play.
By definition, creativity is bringing a new idea into physical form. This is not a gauge against other people but within yourself, your new ideas, new ways to to the things you need to do and want to do. It is a playful element of our human make-up and we all have it. When we express it, we come alive a little more in our skin. I have become aware that kids are plugged into their creativity all the time, their wheels are always turning, always coming up with new ways to play, to try out their worlds. We’ve all heard it said that children are our teachers but, I think they are our reminders of how to be, how to explore, how to dabble in our creativity and feel more alive in our days. It is an action we take, a form of self expression. A way we can share ourselves with others and with the world.
Watching creativity spark with creators at the studio we think of it as creativity flow. When creativity flows, we are in the moment. We are present. We are.
Creativity is it’s own reward.
So Fun!
Monday, May 1, 2017With a group of my regular ladies we got to try on this Friday’s Pinspired Nights Projects!
All projects were crowd pleasers and turned out great so you’e going to want to get crafty with us this Friday at $25 per person for 5 project options, make and take what you like from 7-10pm.
Bring friends and snacks. What could be better!
Be sure to R.S.V.P. to 818-575-9566 by 5/3 so we can have all the goodies for everyone.
We’ve been slimed!
Sunday, April 30, 2017We had a messy blast during Kalista’s 10th birthday party yesterday making slime. The hands on fun of the process was a perfect match for our exploratory nature.
If you have a theme idea for your next birthday party at CReATE, let’s talk! We love to explore.
Visit our CELEBRATE page to learn about our party packages then we can talk party fun.
#30daysofreuse Day 29
Sunday, April 30, 2017#30daysofreuse day 29 is about scrap wood. On their own wood scraps might not look special but put em together and your onto something. We love to see how him drum stuff sparks fresh ideas. Do you think this is where Henry Ford began automotive genius?
Vroom Vroom
CReATE with us!
Saturday, April 29, 2017Happy Saturday! Come to the Hope4kids a.k.a Raising Hope Festival and Run in Camarillo today. We’ll be hosting our FREE eco art booth from 9am-2pm where creativity is the name of the game!
We’re also open at the studio today from 12-5pm. Let’s create!
It’s a Happy Friday at CReATE!
Friday, April 28, 2017Today’s a great day to get creative! Here’s the line-up for today:
Join us for Messy Toddler Fun 10 – 11am for “Spray Painting” exploration and more. $11 per toddler
We open at 11am for D.I.Y. creative fun so come create with us! Regular studio fees apply.
Join us for Crafternoon Fun with Ashley 4-5pm for “Popsicle Stick Bracelet making” and more.
$15 per child.
It’s the last Friday of the month so we have our special “Family Fun Night” from 5-7 where all creators are just $5.00 each!
Tonight’s theme is Wands and Potions so you can enjoy some Harry Potter style fun or just do your own creative thing.
We can’t wait to see you!
Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday, April 25, 2017Make today your day to explore creativity with a pal. Two friends create for the price of one-sooo fun!