Category Archives: Spotlight

More Paper Fun!

Our spotlight on paper continues with this easy independant project for preschoolers, making Wrapping Paper accessories. Just grab a roll of wrapping paper and some tape. The paper process can even go a step further to become whole outfits!


We love it and we LOVE to reuse it because it has so much reuse potential and, we LOVE trees.

I recently researched how much paper comes from one tree and an 2011 report said approximately 16 reams of paper come from one tree. I’m guessing it takes a lot of trees to make little paper so here’s an idea to reuse the missprinted papers, outdated calendars, emails, schedules and such. Turn them into scratch paper! We call it idea paper at CReATE. Cutting sheets of 8 1/2″ × 11″ paper into eighths makes great paper bits for your ideas and to-do’s. Try it!


As our spotlight on paper continues this month, we share an easy reuse craft that happens to be a perfect “Creating At Home” project to do.

We took a few cards an cut them in just a few snips into gift tags that are perfect for any gift you give.

You’ll need a greeting card or postcard that’s already seen it’s day.  

You need a pair of scissors and a hole punch if you have one. You can also just tape a tag to a gift.

Take your card and cut it into a rectangle, square or other favorite shape making sure to cut out the part of the card you want to feature. For our cards we cutvtriangles then snipped little triangles off the corners to get a traditional tag shape them punched a hole near the top for use with string or ribbon.

So easy.

When your done you’ll have tags for any gifts you have to give. Start now, and you’ll be all set for your holiday and any other gift giving needs.


We’re spotlighting PAPER this month at the studio. It happens to be one of most requested materials when diving into creativity.

Here, a young creator put paper to good use cutting one kind of paper into little squares then picking her favorite pieces of shredded paper to glue to them. They look like little artist trading cards.