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Happy Little Accidents

I received this gift from my friend Cindy Williams, our Girls Club Confidence building guide and am so excited to be reading through it to find many wise gems. I didn’t watch Bob’s show in all the time it was on in original runs or as reruns but I knew he was a happy painter. Bob Ross seems to be making a resurgence and I can see why.

Leafing through this book, one idea that strikes me deeply is his view on mistakes and seeing them as happy accidents.
I notice how perfection strikes, it stops us in our tracks and won’t let us push through to what could be. Bob suggests turning something we don’t like into a little tree or something new. That’s almost like a happy “on purpose” where we are lead to a better idea, a bigger possibility.

I am going to spend some time with this book by Michelle Witte. I have a feeling there will be lots more to talk about. Stay tuned…

So thoughtful.

I got the best gift from my friend Cindy Williams @girlsclubstrong. It reminded her of our STUDIO philosophy.

It’s a happy little antidote book about Bob Ross by Michelle Witte. I can’t wait to explore the fun and wisdom of it’s pages. I’m sure ill have more to share on this!


Wow! As we continue our Spotlight on Plastics I spot this story in the November issue of @oprah magazine about jewelry artist, Kat Crabill of who rescues discarded plastic pieces from Hawaiian shorelines and turns them into jewel worthy pieces that are quite Devine.

I love what she is re-doing to bring awareness and conservation to our oceans.


The best thing about spontaneity is it’s freedom from rules that our minds lay out. I think spontaneity has a dash of curiosity in it which has us taking on a go-for-it attitude so we try new things, go unplanned. Woah, I think that leads us right to the happy doorway of creativity! Do you not feel spontaneous person? Try one of it’s word companions on for size and see if you can bring a little whimsy to your life via impulse, ad-lib or inclination.
I think regular bursts of spontaneity show up in me, come to think of it, it’s how CReATE STUDIO has purple and yellow walls, it’s even how the studio came to be at all in some ways. Spontaneity is magical and it’s playful, it’s surely what made this happy face out of bottle caps. Come to think further, our use of recycled cast-offs as artistic materials at the studio invites spontaneity in the creators creative process. It’s nice to let go of the proverbial handle bars every once in a while, when we do we feel alive!


Love this fox eye cover sewn by Jordan during our Project Sewing class today. Inspired by her findings on Pinterest she figured out what to do and how to do it, just by glancing at a photo. So smart!


In Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Big Magic, she suggests that approaching situations and experiences from a place of curiosity instead of a typical place of fear we start from. She says that curiosity is a great way to tune into your creativity. Remember, we are all creative, I say, but, we don’t all know it.
Big Magic is all about living a creative life and one of my favorite book reads. I highly recommend it. I love the idea of approaching life’s stuff from a place of curiosity. It’s such a positive twist on our human go-to emotions and makes so much sense to use. It doesn’t mean you have to be an adventurer, a hang glider per say but, it does mean that we can bring a smidge of adventure to daunting tasks that we don’t know how to begin or in my case, those long to-do lists to work on.
Life can be interesting instead of frightening. With curiousness, it’s as if we hold open the preverbal door to our creative thinking and, living a creative life.
Applying curiosity is a simple little thing to do and we can do it to exercise that thinking muscle in our brains.


I had a great time bringing eco creativity to the Brandstorm Inc. Company connection day where staff broke into groups to make their  inspired renditions of the Natierra Super Food brand in a mixed media way.

Happy Thursday!

Drop in and create with us for open-ended fun. We also have our special rate of $8.00 for homeschoolers today and everyday.
Our Machine Sewing Two series starts today at 3:15. We have a spot let so give us a call at 818-575-9566 to sign-up.

We can’t wait to see you!