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It’s a small world after all. 

A few White Oak Elementary 2nd graders made a visit to us to make Heritage dolls this afternoon with Poland, Thailand and India being some of the lands they come from. 

School projects are win/win fun at CReATE!


Take me to your leader…this creation was a case of seeing in the unseen again.

I had drawn an oval and our young chalk artist, Viggo took it to outer space. The blank space, the negative space got scene. So cool.

The Unseen.

Years ago I heard about the arrow in the Fed Ex logo which served as a subliminal message about moving forward. It was placed in the negative space in the word Ex and served as a powerful marketing tool.

Recently, I stopped at Starbucks and got a cup of coffee in this cup. Believe it or not, this is a rare sight for a Starbucks cup, there are no marks on it. It’s a blank slate. Almost immediately the white space registered as the negative space for me, space with tons of potential that reminded me of that Fed Ex arrow.
How much information is regularly running through our visual range that we don’t even notice.

In this cup I see the unseen. The possibilities in the circle of white in this plain cup are endless to me, like a porthole to another world. I don’t know what all the possibilities are necessarily but, I know they are there.
That’s what working with recycled materials does for me in general and I think it’s what happens for the creators who make things at the studio too, even if they arent aware of it. Go ahead, Look for the arrow…it’s out there somewhere.

For more on the power of negative spaces check out this article excerpt from The Laws of Subtraction by Matthew May and start to notice the unseen.

Happy December!

Happy December! We look forward to sharing a festive month creating! 

Our spotlight material this month is “Plastics”, our “Try-it” medium this month is “Fake Snow” ( also plastic) and got lots of fun in store with Girls Club Strong, an @Westlakevillagerocks event , Santa at the Adobe fun,  Machine Sewing, Messy Toddler Art Fun, Easy Project Wednesday ideas,  visits and parties with Girl Scouts and 4th Grade Field Trip fun too.

Come create with us. It’s good for your being.


Girls Club Strong class focused on GRIT today at CReATE . No GRIT, no PEARL and that’s the truth.

We need a little roughness in us to bring out our beauty and share it with the world!


We had a little Pinspired December preview with Moms Club of Thousand Oaks Mama’s tonight. The project line-up is so fun. Join us next Friday night, 12/8 to make your own Pinspired fun!

Now this is creativity.

Leafing through a back issue of National Geographic Magazine, I spotted this little blurb about snow goggles, a true nod to creativity. I imagine the story goes like this…
Imagine frozen landscapes with brilliantly bright white tundras as far as the eye can see. If you don’t have snow goggles in an environment like that, you most likely won’t have your eyesight either. So, what’s a guy without snow goggles to do?
He’d have to think fast (this is where we count on creativity to help us out). Using his limited travel resources, he’d fashion goggles out of duck tape!

I talk about creativity often and this National Geographic blurb makes a great example of what I think about it. Creativity is not just for artists, creatives, and crafters. It’s part of all of us, every day. We may not be faced with icy tundra’s to conquer but we have real life to manage and creativity is the best tool we’ve got.


​Happy Small Business Saturday! 

Come in and create with us. We’re open from 12-4pm and we have some great gifts for giving this season too.
While you’re here be sure to check out our Eco Goody Bags for $5 per bag, our Six Pack of Coupons  for $50. You pay for five visits and get six with no expiration!

We also have our awesome Eco Craft Kits which are perfect for hours of hands on fun For  $20+tax.

Let creativity rule!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope you have a wonderful day connecting with one another in abundance and joy.

We are closed today but open for business our regular hours tomorrow.


We’re having fun watching so many festive creations unfold before our eyes here at the studio today. 

Our spotlight feature-Natural Things ties into the spirit nicely. 

Pinecones and fallen leaves are where it’s at.