Happy Valentine’s Day from CReATE. May you see love everywhere.

Monday, February 11, 2019I have recently been inspired to reconfigure our Pinterest account to align with our Spotlight attention on twelve different material genres each month that focus on we have and use at the studio.
Pinterest is a fantastic resource tool I find myself turning to often. As a virtual “pin board” it allows me to keep a paperless connection to all of what would otherwise be “tear sheets” (as my dad used to call them during his Illustrating days). My dad had a huge collection of magazine and book page inspiration that he used as a go-to resource library of sorts which is exactly what Pinterest is!
Our spotlighted boards allow us to collect and share ideas and ways to reuse things that would otherwise be thought of as cast-offs by many.
This month we are Spotlighting Yarn and String at the studio. Check out our Pinterest Board of the same name to see what we make with yarn at the studio, what artists make with yarn, how it is being “recycled”, as well as where it comes from and other interesting things to know about yarn and string. As the month wares on our board will surely grow with ideas galore about this creative medium and it’s extensive reuse options. I am so excited!
Spotlighting Yarns
Thursday, February 7, 2019As we Spotlight Yarns (and String) this month we wonder, Is yarn or string recyclable?
When we searched, we found that there is awareness about yarn and the concept of recycling with websites that sell recycled yarn , we haven’t found current information that yarn can be recycled at a recycling plant so lets keep re-creating with it at the studio! We’ve also got a fun resource of ways to reuse yarn on our Pinterest account. Check out our Spotlight on Yarn page for inspirations.
Monday, February 4, 2019I love February and all the love that floats around. It’s the perfect time to put a spin on love with simply noticing whats around us in every moment.
When I am present, in the now, I see the most profoundly captivating things-hearts. The more I look, the more I notice, the more I notice, the more I see. Hearts are everywhere in all kinds of things, and all over the place. Look for them, notice whats around you just for today and you’ll see, hearts surround us and the ground us in good.
In support of this phenomenon I’ll be sharing hearts in all varieties in daily posts on instagram all February long as part of our annual #createhearts campaign and hope to catch some from others too. Follow along and get inspired to notice the hearts around you.
It is always about love.h
Happy February!
Saturday, February 2, 2019It’s time for our #createhearts campaign on instagram, sharing hearts of all kinds each day of the month to support a loving view of the world we live in.Do you see hearts too?
Follow us @createstudio on Instagram then tag us, the more hearts the better!
Love, love, love is the way.
Soulful Read
Monday, January 28, 2019“The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron is the last of our e-newsletter must-have book recommendations this month. This book is THE soul searching creative work book. If you’re looking for answers to inner questions or a new direction it’s a must-read!
I have sought the wisdom it reveals a few times over the last 20 years since I discovered it and I can honestly say it has moved me in new directions and put pieces of my personal life puzzle together.
Get your hands on a copy and when you do, see if theres a meet-up or book club group to go through it with, it’s an invaluable way to connect with others while your connect with yourself.
Creating Connection
Monday, January 21, 2019I read somewhere that creativity expands when shared and it made perfect sense. It was a broad statement with happy consequences. Reading that statement and spending the majority of my time at the studio have helped me see just how true and wonderful that is.
These two longtime friends who live a world away had some creative time together with us. They spent their time steeped in friendship as they discussed all the things they would make for the house the were building from scratch. They could have created together all day.
Watching kids and adults create together I see how ideas grow as they talk and reason the aspects of what they’re working on. Two heads are better than one as they say, creations seem to take flight at the hands of teamwork and the whole process goes so much deeper for the participants as three important elements we long to nurture come together; creativity, presence and connection to spark more and more possibilities. It’s so simple yet profound to me that what we seek in life comes easily in shared moments of making. I promise it works to enrich those involved even if it’s as simple as coloring in a coloring book or as intricate as inventing a new game. Take a few moments this week to create something together, it will spark ideas, loving connection and the presence to enjoy it.
Learning and making
Friday, January 18, 2019This week we have enjoyed field trip visits from White Oak’s 2nd grade classes. Their mission with us was to make small handmade toys from recycled materials as part of their learning exploration after reading “Babu’s Song” by Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen with a similar theme of creating toys with scraps and found things.
I love where learning and making colide.
Scatter Joy.
Monday, January 14, 2019
I had read “the life changing magic of tidying up” by Marie Kondo and just finished watching her series “Tidying up with Marie Kondo on Netflix.
I had gotten a lot out of the book when I read it but I got even more from watching the show! There is a very important message for me in her tidying up method and the sensibilities that go along with it that are about sparking joy. She was so creative in developing her method for connecting with joy.
For years I have had a vision board I made with a piece of a card that says scatter joy. I realize after watching the show that that message was an underlying piece of creating the studio for me- to scatter a little joy in people by enabling them to be present and to create what they are sparked through inspiration to do. Marie’s message about sparking joy is really special. It’s wrapped up in gratitude, in appreciating what you already have and in seeing the value of it. It’s loving what you have that helps you love where you live. Those are the kinds of things I have been personally striving for for years. Being grateful for what you have has a space at create studio, Creating can be such a close connection to joy and loving what you make is a wonderful feeling. Those creations go home. Sometimes they stay a while and sometimes they are parted with but all that really matters is if creating them sparked joy. Thanks to Marie, I think I will keep a little mantra in my mind at the studio and in my day to day, “scatter some joy”. Perhaps here the universe is saying spark joy through creativity. Ok!
Today, January 12th
Saturday, January 12, 2019Happy Saturday, we will be CLOSED today, January 12th for drop-in studio time due to a private event. We would love to see you tomorrow, January 13th from 12-4pm.