“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they make the best of everything they have.” – Unknown
This is true on so many levels these days. Now is a good time to take stock in the good we have around us. That is where our roots lie, in this goodness.

Cute Cacti Containers
Friday, March 27, 2020Join us for a little creating at home that’s fun and fast. Visit our YouTube channel to get the scoop. https://youtu.be/pO3XUG7RNfg
Back To Basics
Saturday, March 21, 2020We’re going to get creative.
Luckily our creativity is built in. As much as I have been talking to parents to postpone parties this week I have also been noticing some beautiful days.
The clouds have been magificent, cojuring memories of childhood days spent looking up at similar clouds. Back then I would find shapes in them, things they looked like to me. Those are such sweet memories.
Since we are all in safer-at-home mode, just about everytime I walk my dog I see people getting outside into the beautiful fresh air.
I my busy days lately I had been fantacized about laying in the grass to look at clouds the way I did when I was young and now with a much lighter schedule-it’s so easy to do.
Clouds in a blue sky are all we need to explore the present moment, enjoying our emerging creativity as we see the clouds turning into familiar things. We’ew going to be turning that creativity to how to entertain our selves, our families while we are here. There is a lot that is hard about what- is right now but there’s also a lot of emerging good. I think I will focus on that for now.
Jemma W.
Need a Creativity Boost?
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Need a little creativity boost? You can pick up a CReATE grab bag (shopping bag) for your kids with a variety of our go-to material so they can imagine, explore and make with ease.
Contact us here to schedule a pick up.$5 per bag!
Pencil Us In
Monday, March 16, 2020A “We’re Here” update.
As news changes come in and social distancing becomes more prevalent and necessary we are moving to an appointment only basis for studio visits from March 18th to March 29th.
This allows us to offer our wonderful creative space for one family or group at a time.
Call us to schedule your visit at 818-575-9566
We’re Here.
Saturday, March 14, 2020I think it’s important at a time like this to offer a sense of normalcy.
Having our creative outlet available during school and business closures is a reprieve from the uncertainty of the coming weeks.
A bit of creativity is just the thing to connect us with the present moment and one another.
We are taking lots of precautions to stay clean in our yes to mess space by applying a single use model for our materials, table spaces, tools, aprons and of course lots of hand washing. We are set up for orderly mess that cleans easy while offering the same unique exploratory spirit!
Drop in and CReATE with us this week during our regular business hours, weekends 12-4 and Wed-Fri, 11am-6pm. I hope to see you soon.
Jemma W.
Love Her
Saturday, March 7, 2020My Cup Is Always Full Thanks To Oprah
Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend Oprah Winfrey’s 2020 Vision Your Life In Focus tour presented by WW (Weight Watchers). It was such an inspiring day.
Oprah is someone I have long admired. I love “her way” as my friend Linda says. I derive a lot of inspiration from her Super Soul Sunday Podcast as well as the general work and advocation I see her doing. It all seems to lead to making the world a better place and that motivates me.
In making some of my business decisions I have have wondered, how does Oprah do it? She strikes me as a grounded person who doesn’t sway with every storm. That’s something I work on regularly.
We received a swag bag at the event and this stainless steel cup was inside.
I love the message, “My cup is always full”, the double meaning of it and the reminder to hydrate!
My cup is always full was the goal I felt was intended for all of us as participants in the 2020 event. It’s also where I want to keep my day to day focus. Oprah had workbooks for us to follow, mediations to do, dance moves to try and many inspiring stories to hear. We explored how our lives can be fuller. In a time where the talk out in the world seems to be saying my cup is empty I am grateful to have Oprah and this cup with a simple reminder that my cup is always full.
Making in March.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020The spirit of spring is in the air with a fresh buzz of creativity.
March is a great month to create Leprechaun Traps and other wacky projects for Saint Patrick’s Day as well as Messy Toddler Fun, school projects , sewing projects and birthday celebrations too. We have some on the road fun too. Be sure to check out our happenings calendar for dates.
Save the date and join us for our next Pinspired Project Night for adults this Friday from 7-10pm and our Parent’s Night Out where the kids create and you go out next Saturday, March 14th from 6-9pm.
At CReATE there is always fun to be had, creations to be made. We love being there for you and any creative fun you want to have. Let’s spend some time together this month.
Jemma W.
I’m Reading
Monday, February 24, 2020The Gift of Failure
I’m reading this book on the recommendation of my friend. I wanted to know how the author, Jessica Lahey was going to talk about the benefits of failure for kids. My kids are older but we have lots of kids coming to the studio and more over, I wanted to know how this idea might connect with our CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS programs on school campuses.
I am nearly finished with the book. I am so glad to see that our philosophy for kids is in alignment with her message. We notice how confidence and successes are gleaned as a natural consequence when kids make stuff. Trial and error are part of the process of creating things. Ideas don’t always translate to physical form but kids don’t mind when they set the pace. They are too busy being engaged in what they are making to think about problems.
Among her many subject points, Jessica talks about creating opportunities for kids to find autonomy in the things they do. That’s another benefit of our free-style way. Autonomy is born into our self guided setting as kids create from their own imaginings.
I am enjoying her book and inspired for my own parenting of young adult daughters. I also appreciate the validation of what I feel is so important for kids, to do the things they can in their own way and for themselves.
Jessica will be speaking through our local school district, Las Virgenes Unified School District on March 18th. Click here is you want to learn more.
-Jemma W.
(photo credit jessicalahey.com)
Sunday, February 16, 2020Creating for your home
I have chosen the project line-up for our next Pinspired craft night on Friday, March 6th. It dawned on me that the projects I chose are perfect to decorate your home with subtlety.
One of the aspects of each season that I enjoy is an opportunity to nest my home for myself and my daughter. My kids are older now but we all love the simple nurturing that a decorated space provides for us.
Whether you are a serious holiday celebrator or just like to change things up now and again these projects are sure to help shape your space.
My favorite project in the line-up is the bundled farmhouse books because you can stamp any word combination you like. Try your family names, a favorite movie theme or even to say, “What’s For Dinner” in your kitchen.
Each project idea can be an inspiration for something else you dream up or matched to the pictures we chose.
Sign-up to join us on the 6th for an evening of nesting fun.
Jemma W.